Opening Event Intersyc II
The project entited «Integrated Territorial Synergies for Children Health and Protection ΙΙ» with the acronym «INTERSYC II», which is the continuation of the previous INTERSYC project, is funded by the European Territorial Cooperation Programme "Greece - Bulgaria 2014-2020"; 85% by ERDF and 15% by National Funds and has a duration of 24 months.
The main idea of the Project is based on ascertaining the community of the problems faced by the vulnerable group of children on both sides and the capitalization of the project INTERSYC that Lead Beneficiary (LB) implemented with great success during the previous programming period.
The project partners are stakeholders from the public and private sectors that mainly focus on the implementation of activities aiming at improving the quality of life of children. The partners have already developed synergies within the framework of previous projects in order to address different problems that children in Greece and Bulgaria are facing.
The Project partners are:
- «The Smile of the Child » (Lead Partner), Greece
- Municipal Development Agency of Komotini Municipality, Greece
- Foundation «Centre Nadja» - Sandanski Branch, Bulgaria
- Regional Department of Education – Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
The contribution of the project to the goals of the program lies in improving the attractiveness of the area by improving the quality of life of the residents by focusing on the target group of children. The addressing of crucial social problems such as trafficking, which is linked directly to the disappearances of children, the support of families in crisis and the ensuring of good health for children are decisive factors for keeping the local population in its residence, strengthening the relationships between the two sides and creating a favorable environment for the development of sustainable economic activities.
The activities of INTERSYC II cover distant areas with the same and even more intensive needs of preventive medicine actions for children, especially under the current socioeconomic circumstances.
The Project is developed through two (2) main intervention axes:
Axis 1: Protection of Children in Danger - Promotion of European Tools
1 Promotion / training / demonstrative operation of the European Hotline for Missing Children 116000
2 Promotion / training / demonstrative operation of the Amber Alert Hellas and European Child Alert Automated System (ECAAS)
Axis 2: Improvement of Health Services and Social Care Services for Children
1. Preventive Medicine / Pilot Action development in Greece
2. Preventive Medicine / Pilot Action development in Bulgaria
3. Educational Seminars in the field of rescue/ first aid in Greece and Bulgaria in collaboration with the National Center of First Aid
1. Staff training in 116000 European Hotline operation, public demonstrative events, public Information material
2. Know how transfer and staff training in Amber Alert Hellas operation and ECAAS support public demonstrative events, public Information material
3. Medical examinations for 6000 – 6500 children (Pediatric, Ophthalmologic, Dental, Otorhinolaryngologic), through necessary procurement of equipment and with the use of the Multi-medical unit "Hippocrates" for Children and the mobile medical units of «The Smile of the Child »
4. Editing of relevant Informative material for critical medical issues in greek, english and bulgarian
5. Training seminars for totally 460 persons in both sides of cooperation in First Aid and the BLS/AED (Basic Life Support/Automated External Defibrillation), officially registered and certified by the European Resuscitation Council (ERC)
6. Public information material for the Project
7. WEB Site of the Project
8. Update of the existing Child Care data entry system that already developed during the previous programming period