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INTERSYC II: Organization of a 5-day training seminar for rescue and first aid workers


Online training seminars in the fields of rescue and first aid

The Local Government Development Organization Societe Anonyme K. KARATHEODORI in collaboration with the Organization "To Hamogelo tou Paidou", the Foundation "Center Nadja" - Sandanski Branch and the Regional Department of Education - Blagoevgrad from Bulgaria, continue the successful implementation of the project INTERSYC II - Integrated Territorial Synergies for Children Health and Protection II Integrated Spatial Synergies for Health and Child Protection II "in the framework of the Interreg VA program" Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020 ", contributing substantially to tackling the Covid-19 pandemic and its consequences through the implementation of a series of actions. One of these actions concerns the organization of a 5-day training seminar in the fields of rescue and first aid. In the context of the implementation of the above action, the Development Organization K. KARATHEODORI SA invites you to participate in the online training seminars which will take place daily from Monday 06/09/2021 to Friday 10/09/2021 from 18:00 to 21:00. The topics of the seminars will be:

o Basic Life Support for Adults, children and infants

o Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in adults, children and infants

o Use of Automatic External Defibrillator in adults, children and infants

o Call for Emergency Services (166, 112)

o Placement in Resuscitation Position

o Treatment of foreign body choking in adults, children and infants

Treatment of severe external bleeding

o Wound healing

o Treatment of burns

o Fractures

o First Aid Kit

To register for the seminar, teachers will be able to register at the following links, depending on the day they wish to attend the seminar:


Date of the seminar

Registration Form

Monday, 06/09/2021, 18: 00-21: 00

Tuesday, 07/09/2021, 18: 00-21: 00

Wednesday, 08/09 / 2021,18: 00-21: 00

 Thursday, 09/09/2021, 18: 00-21: 00


Friday, 10/09/2021, 18: 00-21: 00


To attend the seminar you must log in via the Zoom platform to the following link:

For more information visit the website of K. KARATHEODORI SA