The beneficiaries of INTERSYC II project are:
«The Smile of the Child » (Lead Partner), Greece
“The Smile of the Child” is the largest internationally recognized non-profit, non-governmental Organization in Greece in the critical field of child protection, support of children and families with children in need, as well as free public health service for children, both in prevention and treatment.
The Organization started its operations in 1996 by Costas Yannopoulos, President of the Board of Directors, inspired by the wish of well-being for all children in the world, expressed by his 10-year old son Andreas before he succumbed to brain cancer in late 1995. Over 23 years of activities “The Smile of the Child” has made a difference for more than 1.480.000 children and their families in Greece.
“The Smile of the Child” currently operates with approximately 3.466 active volunteers on a daily basis and more than 500 specialized personnel and is financed through donations from sponsors and the broad public in Greece that is familiar with the Organization and appreciates its action for all children, without exception and without distinction of background, origin, religion or any other criterion.
The operational commitment of “The Smile of the Child” is structured along four main groups of children in need of protection: children victims of violence, children victims of disappearance, children with serious health problems and children who live in poverty or are threatened by poverty. In order to address the different needs of these children “The Smile of the Child” implements a variety of actions and provides services in the areas of prevention, intervention and therapy.For additional information about “The Smile of the Child”, please visit the website : may also find a video of “The Smile of the Child” in the following link:
Address: 3, Papakyriazi str., 546 45
Telephone: 30 2310 250160
Fax: 30 2310 270306
Municipal Development Agency of Komotini Municipality, Greece
K. KARATHEODORI S.A. is the Municipal Development Agency of Komotini Municipality, which was established since 2009. The main stakeholders of the K.KARATHEODORI S.A. are the Municipality of Komotini, Municipality of Iasmos and Municipality of Maroneia-Sapes.
The Basic Scopes:Range of Business Activities:
Κ.ΚΑRATHEODORI S.A., over the years, has already carried out significant projects for the development of the Prefecture of Rhodope, in a variety of fields. Some of them are:
For additional information about “K.KARATHEODORI S.A” please visit the website:
Address: Nestoros Tsanakli 15, Komotini, P.C. 69132
Telephone: 0030 2531023165
Fax: 0030 2531023167
Website: Promoting Local Development
- Networking and Synergies
- Balanced Development
- Social policies
- Elaboration and implementation of research and technology development area of Social Services.
- Design and implementation of social policy of the City and providing social care for vulnerable groups (children, youth, elderly, women, returnees, minority groups etc).
- Studies and integrated interventions, and attracting European and national resources for investment projects and strengthening the local economy. Development of activities to protect the natural environment, waste management and recycling, and participation in relevant programs.
- Implementation of programs related to local development and enhancement initiatives originate and co-financed by the European Union and other national and international organizations in cooperation with public or private sector, civil society and the productive classes.
- Counseling, scientific and technical support to public corporations, including the Legal Entities of local authorities, small businesses and other organizations for their participation in national and community development programs and to promote sustainable development of Prefecture of Rhodope.
- GREEN SPOTS/ Innovative & Environmentally friendly NETwork for the Development & Promotion of Entrepreneurship Funded by the ETCP “Greece Bulgaria 2007-2013
- Gimmie Shelter / Joint strategy for the social protection of vulnerable social groups Funded by the ETCP “Greece Bulgaria 2007-2013
- TOPEKO /Local actions for social inclusion for vulnerable groups
- TOPSA /Local Plans for the Employment
- Support in the implementation of the SURE project «SURE – Fostering Diversification of local economies by using innovative socio-economic methods of URBAN Rehabilitation in deprived urban Areas» funded by URBACT II
- Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD)
- Food assistance program for vulnerable population groups: Fund for European Aid to the most Deprived (FEAD)
Foundation «Centre Nadja» - Sandanski Branch, Bulgaria
Nadja Centre Foundation (NCF) is a specialised psycho-social centre, established in 1998 as an NGO and as a result of the successful implementation of the programme providing support for women victims of physical, sexual and psychological violence. Actually, NCF was established in 1995 in order to respond to the increasing violence against women and children and the lack of proper help for victims of violence with the financial support by Novib, the Netherlands.
Since its beginning the centre provides telephone consultations and information, psychological, medical and social consultation as well as legal advising, psychotherapy and referrals. A multidisciplinary team is working on projects for direct care and assistance for vulnerable groups and on public awareness raising and sensitisation on the issues of gender equality, aggression, violence, child abuse and trafficking in persons. There was a shelter functioning from 1997 until 2003 in Sofia. Currently, NCF has branches in Russe, Sandanski, Turgovishte, Kjustendil and Stara Zagora since the establishment.
Nadja Centre’s main activities are: care programmes - consultative and therapeutic, preventive/educational activities, training and sharing the experience, activities connected with broadening the range of information, campaigns and lobbying, development and implementation of projects, related to the improvement of mental health, prevention of violence, migrant and refugees’ issues, and trafficking in human beings, etc.
The foundation implements its activities in partnership with the Ministry of labor and Social policy, Ministry of Justice, the State Agency for Refugees, the State Agency for Child Protection. In relation to the prevention of trafficking in human beings key partners are – the specialised sector in the General Directorate for Combating Organised Crime, General Directorate Border Police, and National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings.
Experts from the team have experience in the spheres of psychotherapy, supervision for professionals, psychiatric expertise. Team members are training magistrates and law-enforcement representatives on the psychological and medical aspects related to the victims of trafficking (PTSD), psychological specifics of the asylum seekers and refugees, and the existing legislation and referral mechanism.
Address: Living Complex Spartak Bl.10 entran.A, 2800 Sandanski
Telephone: +359 888 626 085
Regional Department of Education – Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.
Regional Department of Education in Blagoevgrad /RDE/ is a regional authority of the Ministry of Education and Science for the implementation of state policy in Blagoevgrad region. The main functions of the inspectorate are management, supervisory, inspection and methodological assistance to all public and private educational institutions – schools, kindergartens and supportive units in Blagoevgrad region:
- 124 elementary, primary, secondary, high and vocational schools
- 72 kindergartens for 3 to 6 years old children
- 7 supportive units,
which roles are to provide support for educational integration of children with special educational needs; to organize extracurricular activities and develop the creative talents of children; to organize professional trainings for adults.
In these 203 institutions work about 9000 teaching staff - teachers and other professionals - speech therapists, pedagogical advisers, psychologists, managers
- Inspect and analyze the quality of education in the region
- Coordinate the implementation of projects and programs for lifelong learning
- Implement the national training program for teaching professionals
- Use of innovative teaching methods and technologies of teaching
- Achievement of key competencies enshrined in the European Reference Framework for Lifelong Learning
- Work in a multicultural environment
- Integration of children and pupils with special educational needs (SEN)The experts in RDE closely know the specifics of the region and the specific needs of teachers related to teaching children and adults. We has the legal rights and resources to coordinate activities between schools, state and municipal governments, NGOs, employers.
Project BG05M2OP001-2.004-0004 “Developing students’ abilities and increasing their motivation for learning through activities, which develop specific knowledge, skills and competences (Your hour)
Project BG051PO001-3.2.05 “Improving the system for inspection of education”
Project BG051PO001-4.2.05 “Making school more attractive for young people” – SUCCESS
Project BG051PO001-3.1.06 “Improving the quality of education in schools located in administrative centres by introducing high residence education”EUROPEAN EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS
Project “New Models in Work-based Learning(NewWBL)” under “Erasmus+" Programme
Project “School Still Plays” funded with support from the European Commission
Project “The Lifelong Learning Hub (LLL-HUB)” under the Lifelong Learning Program
“NELLII - Initiatives to promote lifelong learning”
“Entrepreneurship”Address: 2, Trakia str., 2700 Blagoevg
Telephone: 00359 73/ 88 76 71
Fax: 00359 73/ 88 76 71